Thursday, 25 October 2012


We never really understand the importance of friendship until we in situations were we needs friends around us. I did'nt until my father passed away and the first thing that came to mind was my friends name and I called her at 2 in the morning, I needed a shoulder to cry on an she was that now believe me if she wasn't a real friend she wouldnt have unswered that call and if she did she wouldnt have listened to me cry on the phone for two hours when she had a very important test that morning but she did.

For me I have a lot of friends am very good with people that is in my nature and I find that in  my circle of friends am the one that everybody shares with when they need help or when they just want to talk. We always take our friends for granted we dont share things with them because we are so scared of being judged or talked about yes am not denying the fact that in life that happens and it its very difficult to share with someone something that is very personal to you because we seen people who call themselves friends back stab each other. When you meet a real friend you know because that person will alway be there for you and they will protect you and defend you againsts other people now know that when you get someone like that, its a friend to keep. Fear doesnt do anything accept hold you back in life, you need to take chances in order see whats  out there same with friends you start by sharing something small and see how it goes from there. Good luck!!!! 

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